October 2023 Newsletter

Having enjoyed the start of Fall in three lovely places—the mountains of Montana, the driftless region of Wisconsin, and the Hudson Valley of New York, I’m enjoying the slower pace of staying in one place and enjoying mid- and late Fall at home. Being back home also means tackling some projects slated for this Fall. Two are related to my love of nature, art, and crafting: I am excitedly experimenting painting with wool, which uses needle felting technique to create landscapes and I am working on a project called Moments of Silence so I can share short video clips (about 10 seconds long) of beautiful and usually remote sights and sounds of nature. The other two projects are organization related: one organizing project is to go through some childhood mementos and the other is optimizing the organization of our basement, as mentioned in last month’s newsletter.

Organizing in My Home

The main organization project starting this month is our basement. For many people, basements are mixed-use spaces, and that certainly holds true for us. Our basement is where our utilities are located—boiler, hot water holding tank, water shut-offs, etc. We keep some of our long-term storage items there, with the remainder in the attic. We also have an exercise area, sports and recreation storage, a gaming station, home networking hardware, and an upright freezer. And, because there is also technically a garage in part of the basement, our basement also serves as our garage, meaning we keep our household tools and workbench there, along with many of our yard and garden tools and supplies. Given the size of this tiny 1930s garage and the configuration of the driveway, we do not park our car in this garage, but we do keep a limited amount of car maintenance and repair-related items there. With all these uses, we certainly push the limits of this multi-purpose space!

As we have time, we’ll be completing the Honeybee & Chickadee Organizing Cycle for each quadrant of the basement; the garage’s cycle is nearly complete. After that is optimized, we’ll be moving to the other quadrants: the gaming station/workbench, then the exercise area/long-term storage/camping gear, then finally the utilities area/landing/stairs.

Honeybee & Chickdee Organizing Cycle: Evaluate, Declutter, Sort, Organize, Optimize arranged in a circle to repeat
  • Evaluate Stage: Prior to starting, we completed the Honeybee & Chickadee “Begin with the End in Mind” workbook. It is important we agree about how we want our basement to function and look. We know our basement serves several purposes, and we are generally happy with all those uses. We know that we both want a space that is more functional and looks less cluttered.
  • Declutter Stage: I decided that for our basement, focusing on one area at a time will be ideal. As we decluttered, more space became available (which is the beauty of decluttering before sorting and organizing!).
  • Sort Stage: With the “extra” space that decluttering revealed, we sorted items into categories, using various bins or areas on the floor and on the already-existing shelving units.
  • Organize Stage: In the garage area, we are using clearly labeled totes to store tools, parts, and supplies, while keeping the contents out of site. We already owned several Rubbermaid totes, which I promptly labeled and arranged on the shelves. We were amazed at the results.
  • Optimize Stage: With the bulk of the organizing done, we had a few ideas to further optimize the space. I determined that a few additional totes and a variety of hooks will complete the garage section of our basement and will be completed this weekend.

With that success, we’ll use the momentum to repeat the cycle with the other “quadrants” of the basement, and work through them all.

Helping Clients with Their Home

I’ve noticed a trend: a lot of my clients are working on their garages! Perhaps helping a couple of my clients with organizing their garages further compelled me to start with the garage part of my basement! A common thread throughout all the garage organizing going on right now is the importance of having specific ideas of how you want to use your space and working toward optimizing not only each of those areas but also the room as a whole.

Together, we are working through the cycle of organizing stages. I’ve helped further evaluate and clarify client plans, directed and assisted the dreaded declutter, supported the sort, planned for the organization, and prepared clients to optimize the organization of their spaces. I’m always impressed with what people can accomplish with some guidance, and they’re ecstatic with how much better their newly organized space functions and helps them feel.

Helping You in Your Home

Are you struggling with your garage or basement, or another area of your home? Use the Honeybee & Chickadee Organizing Cycle to help you move from frustrated to elated by first evaluating your space, then decluttering and sorting your belongings, and finally organizing your items in your space and optimizing as time passes.

If you’re looking for accountability, targeted coaching, or a customized actionable plan, I can help. I understand the frustrations of getting started and seeing the project through to the end. And, I also relish the feeling of accomplishment when the space is done, and delight in spaces actually working for me! I want the same for you. My goal is to help you make your space work for you and how you live your life!

Let's strive to "bee" more organized, together!


Melissa's signature

Founder, Honeybee & Chickadee

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I'm Melissa! I am a professional organizer, vacation rental manager, and writer. I am an ISFJ and Obliger trying to figure out my Enneagram Type. I enjoy  crafting, documenting memories, and observing nature. Whenever possible, I am enjoying the beauty of the Hudson River Valley in New York, the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, or the mountains in and around Glacier National Park in Montana with my husband and partner in life, Will.

I consider myself incredibly lucky that you've signed up to receive my newsletter, and I sincerely home you enjoy it. Each month, I plan on providing a quick update about my business, Honeybee & Chickadee, and what organizing is going on in my life. I'll also be sharing how I'm helping clients in their home, and of course, tips that will help you to organize your own home. I welcome any feedback you might have, so don't hesitate to reach out!

Need more help?

If you're ready to minimize the chaos through functional organizing, please reach out so I can help you. Consider the Begin with the End in Mind Workbook Review for starters. This 60-minute video call is a discussion and review of your completed (or nearly completed) workbook. Contact me for more information or to get scheduled. I would love to be your sounding board and provide some initial feedback and some recommendations with next steps during the call.

Looking for additional customized help? I specialize in functional home organizing customized for you. My method boasts an actionable plan and targeted coaching, guiding you through all the steps of organizing a space. To get started, simply schedule a 15-minute Introductory Call.