When I think of August, I think of the last of the hot weather each summer before the weather begins to turn to crisp and cool autumn. This year, I’m also thinking more of the two full supermoons that are happening this August, which is incredibly rare and perhaps exemplifies the changing of seasons--I saw the full Sturgeon Moon in summer warmth and humidity of New York’s Hudson Valley and plan to see the Blue Moon in the coolness of early fall in the backcountry of Glacier National Park in Montana.
As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, one item on my “23 in 2023” list was to organize our pots and pans. While I didn’t complete that project in July like I intended, I finished it in early August! Is the “after” photo Instagram-worthy? Maybe not. But, more important to me than how it looks is how it functions. And it functions beautifully!
Using Honeybee & Chickadee’s steps to organization, I evaluated what was and wasn’t working for me and my husband, I emptied the cabinets so I could easily see what I have and decluttered what we no longer used or needed. Then, I sorted all the pots and pans and related cooking equipment so I could get a good idea of what items could go where. This was especially important given the awkward configuration of the lower cabinet we use to store most of these items. Then, I organized everything in a way that will best work for us. As we live with this arrangement, I will be looking to ways to optimize the organization of these items. Because we actively use items and live life, organization can evolve and change over time.
You can read more about how I tackled this project on the Honeybee & Chickadee Blog. I provide insight into my process and share the lessons I have learned over the years that this project illustrated beautifully in the blog post Lessons Learned from Organizing Pots and Pans.
While not the most beautiful photo, what’s important to me is how functional this cabinet is for me and my husband.
I recently helped a client who was completely overwhelmed with the prospect of cleaning out and organizing her garage. It was so full of items that simply walking around the space was impossible. Once I understood exactly how the garage would be used and what items needed to be stored there, I created a step-by-step plan for her to follow, complete with a supply list and boxes to check-off as she completed various tasks. We also scheduled follow-up appointments to check-in and work through any challenges.
Decluttering and organizing garages (and sheds) can be incredibly challenging, and even frustrating. Garages and sheds often store many different categories of items! For example, besides cars, people use their garage to store household tools, yard and gardening tools, car-related items, sports and recreation equipment, leftover supplies from recent home improvement projects, and exercise equipment. To add to the frustration, garages often serve as a catch-all for items we’re not sure what to do with.
With a bit of guidance, my client cleared her garage! Decluttering was definitely a “heavy lift” but following my plan, she made a lot of progress in a relatively short time. We both knew she could do it—she just needed some guidance and coaching from a professional organizer. Seeing the relief in her face after it was clear was thrilling for me. I love helping clients find happiness and calm in their home, including their garage! If you’re looking to make some changes in your garage or shed, but are unsure of what to do next, I can help!
I hope my success in organizing my pots and pans and my client’s success with clearing her garage have encouraged you to think about an area of your home that you want more functionally organized. Following my organizing steps can help you on your way. However, if you need additional help and guidance, I am here for you! I love helping people during their organizing journey!
No matter where you are located, we can work together remotely to bring organization, functionality, and a sense of calm to your space. Honeybee & Chickadee specializes in functional home organizing customized for you. This means I create a customized plan for you to follow based on your unique space and organizational challenges. Simply reply to this email, or schedule a free 15-minute Introductory Call with me.
Let’s strive to “bee” more organized, together!
Founder, Honeybee & Chickadee
I'm Melissa! I am a professional organizer, vacation rental manager, and writer. I am an ISFJ and Obliger trying to figure out my Enneagram Type. I enjoy crafting, documenting memories, and observing nature. Whenever possible, I am enjoying the beauty of the Hudson River Valley in New York, the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, or the mountains in and around Glacier National Park in Montana with my husband and partner in life, Will.
I consider myself incredibly lucky that you’ve signed up to receive my newsletter, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Each month, I plan on providing a quick update about my business, Honeybee & Chickadee, and what organizing is going on in my life. I'll also be sharing how I'm helping clients in their home, and of course, tips that will help you to organize your own home. I welcome any feedback you might have, so don't hesitate to reach out!
If you’re ready to minimize the chaos through functional organizing, please reach out so I can help you. Consider the Begin with the End in Mind Workbook Review for starters. This 60-minute video call is a discussion and review of your completed (or nearly completed) workbook. Contact me for more information or to get scheduled. I would love to be your sounding board and provide some initial feedback and some recommendations with next steps during the call.
Looking for additional customized help? I specialize in functional home organizing customized for you. My method boasts an actionable plan and targeted coaching, guiding you through all the steps of organizing a space. To get started, simply schedule a 15-minute Introductory Call below.